Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blogging Japan: Day 1, or And so it Begins

I'm sitting here in the lobby of my hostel, drinking green tea and unwinding while everyone else takes a nap, so I thought it would be a good time to start journaling the trip while everything is still fresh in my mind.


Scott, Aiden, my brother Troy, and his girl Lindsey have all made the very long trip to Tokyo, Japan. We left the house at 9 am on Tuesday, flew for almost 12 hours, and arrived Tokyo time at 6 pm the next day. So technically, I'm in the future! Ha.


Anyway, the flight was tedious, but we all made it though. I was especially impressed with Aiden, as it was his first very long flight. We flew Singapore Air, which I highly recommend. The food and service were great, and the best part was that each seat had their own TV, equipped with video and shows on demand, as well as a bunch of games. That kept us all pretty busy.


We made it through customs and to the trains no problem, but when we finally got to our destination station were totally lost. Luckily, a nice man noticed (not that it was hard to notice five fumbling Americans in the depot) we were lost and helped us find exactly the way to get to our hotel.

We're currently staying at the Aizuya-inn, which is a three story hostel in the Minamishenju area. It's pretty sweet; we have tatami mat rooms, and even though we share shower and bathroom facilities, everything is very clean and everyone is super nice and helpful.

We were so exhausted by the time we got all settled in that we laid out our beds and crashed. It ended up working out perfectly; we fell asleep at about 10 pm Tokyo time and woke up at 7 am. So we're already on Japan time, and with minimal jet lag.


Kate said...

Is Singapore Air the airline where your seat turns into a bed?

Loryn said...

They do in first class I believe. It looked really cool; I wish I we could have had those!