We spent the next day taking a train to a mountain town called Nara, which is famed for it's old temples and tame deer roaming the streets. I had no idea how absolutely breathtakingly beautiful it would be though.
Nara is home to both the largest wooden building in the world, and the largest Buddha made of metal. Nothing can possibly compare to seeing them in person, but here are some pictures I took in my feeble attempt at trying to encapsulate their beauty:
Hundreds of tame deer also call Nara home, which was funny at first. They did get a bit pushy once we were out of deer cookies though, and I actually had my ass bitten by a few angry ones.
We are so lucky to be here in the fall, and the colors of the trees were so awe inspiring. Nara was like a magical wonderland to me; I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if a unicorn had walked through the woods in front of us.
Back in Osaka, we spent out last night having a mini kuidaore again in Shensekai, and prepared to head to Kyoto the next morning.
My sister was assigned around Nara - those deer will attack ya if you have food, I've heard. Cute though! ~d
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